The 'Parent Portal' provides parents and caregivers access to our continuous reporting functions which students access via our learning management system or 'LMS'.
Through this portal, parents and caregivers will be able to access their child's 'DUE WORK' in all subjects. The 'GRADES' tab allows students and parents to view feedback on performance in assessment tasks, including a running grade tally for that subject.
DUE WORK Feature
Students, parents and caregivers will be able to access both a summary and a calendar overview of upcoming assessment tasks for their child via the DUE WORK feature.
When clicking on a listed assessment task you can view:
- Details of the task, including instructions for successful completion
- The due date
- The criteria which it will be assessed against.
This calendar supports students in managing their workload across subjects but also provides live access to information on the due task, overcoming issues such as lost assignment sheets which often prevent students from completing work at home.
Access to this information will help parents and caregivers support their child in managing their study workload and completion of assignments at home.
GRADES Feature:
How do I receive the feedback?
Parents need to log on to the Online Parent Portal and click on the GRADES tab to access the Continuous Report. This page provides a current overview of your child's academic progress in each of their subjects. To view a detailed breakdown of assessment tasks for each subject click on the subject name. The Subject Report shows finalised grades and feedback comments for a given assessment task, along with the following:
- Class information
- Assignment name and type (e.g. test, investigation, exam, etc.)
- Teacher feedback comment
- Grade received.
It is important that parents/caregivers are aware that the 'student' is the target audience for feedback which is provided by the teacher. As a parent, your ability to view this feedback via The Parent Portal is for your information only. If any situation arises where you have a concern or question regarding the feedback provided, it is critical that as a parent you:
1) Initially discuss the feedback with your child
2) If required, encourage your child to seek further clarification from their subject teacher
3) If this is ineffective, or you have any major concerns with your child's learning progress, then please utilise our normal channels of communication through the relevant subject teacher.
Supporting your child to take ownership of the feedback provided is critical in assisting them to develop their independent learning skills.
Teacher expectations regarding the providing of feedback have been developed to support the consistency in the quality and quantity of feedback provided to students via continuous reporting. Feedback forms will vary across subject areas as relevant to the type of learning and assessment which occurs in that area.
Some teachers will use the LMS to provide feedback on drafts. This is up to the teacher's discretion and may not suit some subjects. Draft feedback does not calculate to the running grade total for that subject.
We use a grading format which is consistent with the reporting guidelines of the Australian Curriculum and SACE, being A to E for years 7-11 and A+ to E- for SACE Stage 2 (Year 12).
Please Note: SACE Stage 1 & 2 grades displayed on the LMS are not the final grade for the subject.
For Stage 1 and 2 subjects the LMS displays progress grades only as an indicator of expected performance in assessment types prior to confirmation by the SACE Board. All school-based assessment tasks at Stage 2 and some Stage 1 tasks are subjected to external moderation with the final grade for the subject not released until SACE results are published in December.