Thomas More College believes that the Wellbeing of each individual student is central to educating the whole person in pursuing personal excellence. A mentally fit student is more likely to learn. Thomas More College staff believe that our students should Connect, Persist, Respect, Act with Integrity, Serve, Strive for Excellence and demonstrate characteristics that will support them in all aspects of life.
Each individual is created in the image of God, as such Thomas More College staff treat each student gently, justly and with dignity. College expectations provide a framework that promotes stability, harmony and maximises the potential of each student. Through the use of Restorative Justice practices students are encouraged to be reflective and discuss with members of the community how they can best be supported to demonstrate growth.
Student Values
Thomas More College students:
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Thomas More College students Connect through being present to others and themselves. They prioritise attendance, punctuality and communication with members of the community. Thomas More College students are encouraged to involve themselves in the life of the College through community activities and celebrations.
Thomas More College students Persist with learning and the challenges they confront daily. They are resilient problem solvers who take responsibility for themselves, take pride in their work, seek support when needed and are accountable to working with the community towards achieving learning goals.
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Thomas More College students Respect that each individual is unique and each member of our community has a valuable contribution to make. Thomas More College students embrace the diversity of our community as important to their own growth.
Thomas More College students act with Integrity aiming to do the right thing in a reliable way. They are encouraged to be self-confident, experience joy in life and unashamedly follow their passions.
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Thomas More College students believe that to Serve others promotes a better understanding of oneself. Supported by the College motto of 'God's Servant First' our students understand the importance of service to the College community, the wider community and the Mission of the Catholic Church.
Thomas More College students Strive for excellence in all aspects of life; from the classroom to extracurricular activities and into the wider community. They are not afraid to take risks to better themselves and our world.